Driving Safety Course | Heavy Vehicle Driving Course | IRTE

Driver Training Course – Enhancing the Safety of Road Users | Road to Safety 
Driving is, indeed, a thrilling experience. It is liberating and gives a sense of freedom to the driver. However, freedom must be taken on with a sense of responsibility to stay safe – towards oneself and other road users. To ensure that, it is vital that all newbies do a formal driver training course to learn driving and to familiarise themselves with the traffic rules and regulations.
Need for driving safety course 
With the exploding population of our country and the rapidly increasing number of vehicles on the roads, there is an increased need to do a driver training course to keep the road users safe. 
All drivers, be it of private cars, school buses, trucks, etc., need to be appropriately trained to ensure the safety of all road users. For instance, school bus drivers are responsible for precious lives and should be given relevant and extensive training. 
However, there is resistance among people to enrol for a driving safety course. It could be because of many factors. 
Why are people sceptical of joining a driver training course? 
  • They think the course is expensive. 
  • Feel the parent/ relative or friend can teach, why bother with formal training. 
  • The know-it-all who think they don’t need any formal training. 
  • The fact that a driver training course is not mandatory to get a driving licence, many people choose not to do it. 
All these factors contribute to escalating the chaos on the roads, making them grossly unsafe for all road users. 
Relevant training, both theoretical and practical training on the road, is critical. It lays the basis for the driver’s skill and attitude towards driving in the future. 
So, how does a driver training course help? 
  • Educates one to be a safe driver by improving the quality of driving. 
  • Helps in reducing traffic violations and accidents, which is critical for the safety of all road users. 
  • Improved driving further enhances the performance and life of the vehicle. 
Driving within the laid framework helps the driver avoid penalties and fines. Institute of Road Safety Education, IRTE, is a research-based not-for-profit organisation that is committed to making Indian roads safer. Among many other road endeavours, it offers driver training courses for many types of vehicles, from two-wheelers to heavy cargo vehicles. The courses are need-oriented, supported by research and based on road safety audits done all over the country. 
IRTE has successfully trained around 6,50,000 drivers and riders. Its training programmes are updated regularly and are based on the changes in road safety regulations and the latest research. 
Finally, the buck stops with us. So, let’s all do our bit and train ourselves to be responsible road users.
AUTHOR : Rohina Chawla
